Saturday 1 November 2014

"Its a boy... Its a boy!!!" - Welcome to the world baby Hamzah

DISCLAIMER: I'm going to ramble, and a lot, sorry!! if you just want to see some cute pics, scroll right past! lol 

We had never planned for our baby to arrive on his due date! the night before he made an appearance i had been having mild contractions (which i had assumed were just braxton hicks). On the morning of 28th August i encouraged my husband to go to work as normal as i was convinced that the baby wasn't going to be arriving for at least another few days. I mean, how many babies are really born on their due date anyway right...? lol 

As the day went on, and the intensity of the contractions increased, my family convinced me to go to the hospital and get checked, even though i continued to do the hoover and put the washing out;(i defo had the nesting bug)  i asked my husband to come home.

When he arrived he started to get our hospital bag and the babies car seat in to the car, but i really didn't see why he was bothering as i just assumed we would be sent right back home. little did i know our little bundle was to appear in less than 7 hours!

We finally got to the hospital at around 4.30pm, and made our way to the birth centre, where the midwife checked me and as i had assumed told me that the contractions were not lasting long enough just yet. They were lasting around 30 seconds, but needed to be lasting at least 60 seconds for them to actually take me seriously! We were asked to have a walk around in the hospital to see how i get on.

We decided to venture out on a hunt for food; as normal! We didn't get far though, a few metres from the doors and my waters decided to break, and like people say, when they go, you know they have gone, i knew.. lol So we plodded back to the birth centre and chuckled with the midwifes about my waters going. We assumed everything was fine, until she asked if the waters had been clear, (which they hadn't; i wont go in to the gruesome details) but we were told that the baby had decided to poop inside me, which is apparently pretty dangerous and i would no longer be able to stay in the birth centre!

I was moved to the labour ward pretty quickly and then told that i would be checked and given a sweep to progress the labour, if this wasn't very effective, i would then be put on a drip to be induced. OK, so, the sweep, ugh! was literally the most uncomfortable and painful thing ever! i would say, worse than the pain of a contraction, just simply awful! It did intensify my contractions but when they checked me a few hours later, they found that i hadn't dilated more than 3cm. While all this was going on they had been monitoring the babies heart beat, which had been fluctuating and so they had been keeping an eye on it.  From what i know now, it had apparently dropped worryingly low a few times, and so they really wanted to get me on the drip and induce me to get this baby out asap!

When i heard that the drip was coming, i asked for the epidural, i was always open to the idea, and i didn't see why i should suffer any longer, especially when i knew that this pain was going to get far worse! and oh i refused to take gas and air, it just made me feel all sick and dizzy and it wasn't a feeling i liked! i know a lot of women love it, but it wasn't doing anything for me!

I did finally get the epidural,(which made everything in the world, just fineee) but it was about 2 hours after i had asked for it and i had been in hospital for around 5 or 6 hours by this time. I only had about 20mins of bliss with the epidural, when my little munchkin had decided he had, had enough and got completely distressed, which meant that his heart rate was staying very very low, so they rushed me off to have an emergency cesarean, where i was given a general anaesthetic, and my husband couldn't even be in the room with me! It was the first time i had actually panicked and thought damn, something could seriously go wrong here. I didn't really have much time to worry though, as i was knocked out within seconds.

I came round an hour and half later at 10.56pm to see my beautiful healthy baby boy, Hamzah, weighing 7llbs 2onz( i couldn't actually see him very clearly as i was still pretty out of it and my vision was hazy; but i knew he was beautiful 

Hamzah: 1 day old
OOTD: Baby blanket from mamas and papas

Baby feeties

Baby shower cupcakes 

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