Wednesday 17 December 2014

Our 5 most useless baby buys

1: The pregnancy pillow

I read reviews raving about various pregnancy support pillows. At around 7 months i started to struggle with sleeping, suffering with back ache and struggling to get comfortable. Thankfully I didn't need to buy one as my aunt let me borrow hers. For me though, it wasn't helpful at all, in fact it just made me feel really warm and just got in the way. Considering they come in at around £50 from Mothercare, i just don't think its worth the money. You could probably get the same sort of support with a few pillows.

2: Breast feeding pillow

Again, another highly reviewed and recommended product by many mums. I, like everyone else, had to have one and saw one on offer in Mothercare for £30.00, so decided to get it. However in the last 4 months i have used it at most 2 or 3 times. I had a c-section and initially felt that the pillow actually felt really uncomfortable when it was resting on me. I didn't completely right it of at this stage and waited till my scare healed a little before trying again. But once I did, i still didn't find it to be wholly comfy and found that if I was on the sofa i had to sit in a very upright position to use the pillow, when in fact i was much comfier with my legs crossed on the sofa, with a cushion under my arm to rest on. I know a lot of family and friends swear by it and it makes breastfeeding much more comfortable for them, but i wouldn't buy another and will probably just pass mine on to a friend. Maybe i just haven't got the hang of using it correctly.

3: Baby Bath support

We got a very simply sponge bath support, it was pretty cheap from Home bargains, around £4.00 i think. We are still using it, but im not sure about how much support it actually provides, as we still have to hold baby with one hand, we cant actually have both hands free and he cant really just lay in the bath with the support without us holding him. We're still using it just as I feel it's probably a little more comfortable for baby to be laying on a spongy warm surface, rather than straight on to plastic. I think I'm going to have to have a look at other bath supports for when he is a little older and I can move him in to the big bath.

4: Swaddling blanket

This is one of those items a lot of people swear by... including my mum, who encouraged me to swaddle. However baby Hamzah hated being swaddled, and wanted his arms to be free. So it just didn't work for us. I guess maybe if we persisted a little longer, he would have just got used to it.

5:  Baby shoes

I don't even feel like putting these on the useless list, because there so cute! but that's pretty much the only purpose they serve, they look cute. They can be a pain to put on and a even bigger pain to keep on. Our baby is constantly kicking his off. I have found it much easier to use the 'shoe' socks, which are pretty cute too, but actually stay on babies feet. Its probably best just to save baby shoes for special occasions or when there a little older when the shoes actually stay on.

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